One Life at a Time

The Interfaith Sanctuary Alliance is one of SB ACT’s newest initiatives in partnership with Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice Santa Barbara (CLUE SB). Formed in 2017 in response to the increased anti-immigrant rhetoric nationwide, the ISA is a coalition of people of faith and people of conscience working together to support and advocate for immigrants and refugees in Santa Barbara County and beyond.

To date, the ISA has hosted a town hall meeting to discuss the ramifications of State Senate Bill 54 (changing the relationship of Immigration & Customs Enforcement with Sheriff’s offices across the statewide), held a fundraiser for the 805 Undocufund efforts to support local immigrants impacted by the 2017/2018 fires & mudslides, and hosted the citywide 2018 Love Your Neighbor Weekend.

This year, the ISA is taking on a project to directly support some of the most vulnerable in our community by providing a sponsorship program for Asylum Seekers. Working in partnership with service providers the Immigrant Legal Defense Center, Immigrant Hope Santa Barbara, Drivers Listos, the Pacific Pride Foundation, and various other partners, the ISA is building a network of support so that vulnerable asylum seekers at the border can receive parole and be allowed to live with a caring host while preparing for their court dates. Many asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable in detention settings, so this hosting network provides an opportunity for asylum-seekers to receive support and adequately prepare their case.

We’re thrilled to begin this program to support some of the most marginalized members of our community. This is how we make change - collaborating to change one life at a time.

Landon Ranck works for SB ACT to coordinate the Interfaith Sanctuary Alliance in partnership with CLUE SB.